Global 4-Period 4 Assignments

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FINAL ESSAY in Google Classroom


Complete your Enduring Issues Essay using the document below. 
- Be sure to READ the instructions before you begin!
- Utilize the guidelines provided under the topic "Enduring Issues Essay"!


Final EIE Jamboard in Google Classroom

Final EIE Jamboard


Document Set & Planner in Google Classroom

Document Set & Planner

Examine the Document Set attached below. Use the Planner to help prepare for your Enduring Issues Essay.


Edpuzzle - Cold War (Document 4) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Cold War (Document 4)

Complete this Edpuzzle to gain a better understanding of the Historical Context related to document 4.


Edpuzzle - Decolonization (Document 3) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Decolonization (Document 3)

Complete this Edpuzzle to gain a better understanding of the Historical Context related to document 3.


Edpuzzle - World War II (Document 2) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - World War II (Document 2)

Complete this Edpuzzle to gain a better understanding of the Historical Context related to document 2.


Edpuzzle - Prelude to WWII in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Prelude to WWII


CRQ Practice: WWI & WWII in Google Classroom

CRQ Practice: WWI & WWII


Edpuzzle - Good or Nah?: Vladimir Lenin in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Good or Nah?: Vladimir Lenin


Edpuzzle - Bolshevik Revolution in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Bolshevik Revolution


Edpuzzle - Armenian Genocide  in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Armenian Genocide


Edpuzzle - World War I (Document 1) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - World War I (Document 1)

Complete this Edpuzzle to gain a better understanding of the Historical Context related to document 1.


Edpuzzle - WWI Part 1: How WW1 Began in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - WWI Part 1: How WW1 Began


Quizlet: WWI in Google Classroom

Quizlet: WWI

In the Quizlet Set entitled "10.5 - Unresolved Global Conflicts" complete 1) FLASHCARDS 2) MATCH 3) TEST


Summative Assessment Pt. 2 - CRQ in Google Classroom

Summative Assessment Pt. 2 - CRQ

Click the link below to access Part 2 of your Summative Assessment.


Summative Assessment Pt. 1 - Multiple-Choice in Google Classroom

Summative Assessment Pt. 1 - Multiple-Choice

Click the link below to access the first part of your summative assessment.


Edpuzzle - The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885


Imperialism: Should Europe Pay Up? in Google Classroom

Imperialism: Should Europe Pay Up?

Considering the damage Europeans inflicted on African societies; Do you believe modern European nations should pay reparations to the African nations that were exploited during the era of Imperialism? Explain your reasoning. 

Your response should be well thought-out and show an understanding of European Imperialism in Africa consisting of AT LEAST 3 SENTENCES 

MAX 5pts.
1pt - your response
1pt - your explanation of your response
3pt - reply to a classmate (3 classmates = 3pts)


Edpuzzle - Imperialism: Leopold II & The Congo in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Imperialism: Leopold II & The Congo


Imperialism: Impact on Africa in Google Classroom

Imperialism: Impact on Africa

Complete the attached google form to learn how Imperialism impacted the people of Africa!


Edpuzzle - The Scramble For Africa in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - The Scramble For Africa


Imperialism Check in Google Classroom

Imperialism Check

Complete the attached google form to gauge how well you understand Imperialism.


Edpuzzle - The Boxer Rebellion in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - The Boxer Rebellion


British Imperialism: India in Google Classroom

British Imperialism: India

Complete the attached google form to understand how the seizing of control by the British Empire after the Sepoy Rebellion impacted India


Edpuzzle - Sepoy Rebellion in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Sepoy Rebellion


Cycle of Metacognition - Make Up Work in Google Classroom

Cycle of Metacognition - Make Up Work

You have an opportunity to make up your missing work from this Marking Period. In order to do this successfully, you will easy the Cycle of Metacognition document provided below to help you 1)Assess the tasks 2) Identifying your strengths and weaknesses 3) Plan your approach 4) Apply your strategies & 5) Reflect on your work once you have finished.

1pt. - Assessing the Task
1pt. - Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
1pt. - Planning your approach
1pt. - Completing your missing assignments
1pt. - Reflecting on the work you have done

NOTE: If you do not have any make up work - congratulations! Fill out the Cycle of Metacognition document below and you are all set! (Bonus points available for assisting your classmates!)


Edpuzzle - Industrialization into Imperialism in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Industrialization into Imperialism


Imperialism Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Imperialism Vocabulary

- Join the Quizlet class by clicking the link below
- Under the Set "Unit 10.4 Imperialism Vocabulary"
- Complete the "FLASHCARDS" activity
- Complete the "TEST" activity
- Complete the "MATCH" activity


Capitalism - Good or Bad? in Google Classroom

Capitalism - Good or Bad?

Based on the Edpuzzle "Is Capitalism Destroying Us or Saving Us?" - respond to the following question:
- Is Capitalism good for our society? Explain your reasoning.

Once you have responded to the prompt - you must respond to AT LEAST 2 classmates posts

This will be graded out of a possible 12 points
- 2 Points for completing the Cycle of Metacognition (provided with Edpuzzle Post)
- 2 Points for completing the Edpuzzle
- 4 Points for responding to the question prompt (make sure to explain your reasoning for full credit!)
- 4 Points for responding to AT LEAST 2 of you classmates posts (2 points each - I will give extra points for 2+ replies!)


Edpuzzle - Is Capitalism Destroying Us or Saving Us? in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Is Capitalism Destroying Us or Saving Us?

1) Assess the task entitled "Capitalism: Good or Bad?" listed under the topic "MP1 - Homework"
2) Complete the first 3 steps of the "Cycle of Metacognition" document provided below based on the assignment "Capitalism: Good or Bad?"
3) Complete the Edpuzzle "Is Capitalism Destroying Us or Saving Us?" & the "MP1 - Homework" assignment "Capitalism: Good or Bad?"
4) Complete the final step of the "Cycle of Metacognition" document below and reflect on your performance


Edpuzzle - The Irish Potato Famine (1845–1852) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - The Irish Potato Famine (1845–1852)


19th Century Reform in Google Classroom

19th Century Reform

You and your group members will be given two sets of documents to examine. One set will focus on Labor Reform Movements and the other will focus on the Women’s Suffrage Movement. As you examine each document-set record the causes, the goals, the strategies used, the opposition faced, and the overall effects of Labor Reform Movements and the Women’s Suffrage Movement on the Jamboard provided to your group.


1) Complete Steps 1 - 3 of the "Cycle of Metacognition" document below
- Respond to Zoom Poll when completed
2) In your group, examine each document and record the necessary information onto the Jamboard
- Make sure to put your name or initials on your notes
- Each group member must record AT LEAST 2 notes on the Jamboard
3) Upload completed Jamboard to this assignment (Make a Copy & then Upload)
4) Complete Step 5 of the "Cycle of Metacognition" document below

If you are making this assignment up after its due date - make a copy of the Jamboard below so you can add your work - upload
and submit your copy when you have finished.