College Now
Welcome to another semester at York College via College Now! Here are the details regarding the application process.
1. APPLY HERE if you want to take classes in the fall or the summer at York College in the College Now program.
2. Students that will be taking College Now classes for the summer must FILL OUT THIS MEDICAL FORM.
3. Interested students must see Ms. Hernandez in room 104 to pick up the physical form for College Now to complete and obtain parental consent. You can also ACCESS THE FORM HERE. Make sure to print and complete the form and submit it to Ms. Hernandez in room 104.
PSY102 (Liberal Arts) Introductory Psychology 3 hrs. 3 credits
Basic concepts and methods of contemporary psychology emphasize the biological basis of behavior, learning, cognition, consciousness, development, stress and personality, abnormal behavior, group behavior, and social interaction. One or more field trips may be required.
SOC101 (Liberal Arts) Introductory Sociology 3 hrs. 3 credits
This course is an introduction to the basic premises of sociology; the role of social factors as a determinant of human behavior; the formation and function of social institutions and the logic of sociological inquiry. The broad areas covered are the study of sociology, the individual and society, power structures, social institutions, and social change in the modern world. Prereq: Passing grade on writing and reading tests. This course may be offered as an online course.
CS 172 (Liberal Arts) Computer Science I 4 hrs. 4 credits
Introduction to computer science with a strong emphasis on a systematic approach to problem-solving; core programming principles will be introduced and illustrated through examples in a high-level programming language such as C++; applications in natural and social science.