Miscellaneous » Students » Purple Pesos (School Currency)

Purple Pesos (School Currency)

Pesos will be distributed in classes based on the discretion of each teacher and redeemed at the end of each week at our Mobile School Store.

Earning Purple Pesos

How Can I Earn (Action) Pesos
Solved “Secret Codes Mission” from Student Handbook 5
Helping another student in the classroom 1
Welcoming a new student by engaging them in conversation or helping them 2
De-escalating a tense situation 3
Keeping the classrooms and hallway clean for 1 month 5
Perfect attendance for 1 month 10
Be on time for class for 1 month 5
Be on time for class for 1 semester 15
Responsible use of phone for 1 month 5
Active recycling for 1 month 3
Being a reliable and responsible in-class tech assistant for 1 month: making sure laptops are put away properly, students verify that other students are using the correct, assigned laptop, troubleshooting 10
Completed all homework during a marking period 5
Attending Saturday school 1
Successful class participation for 1 week 5
Consistently respectful behavior for 1 month 5


Purple Rewards

What You Get Pesos
A bag of salty snacks (TBD) 1
A tasty beverage (TBD) 1
Howework pass 5
+5 points on an exam 10
+2 points on a Marking Period grade 20
Afterschool Pizza Party with up to 7 friends:
2 pies and Friends need approval from admin
Mystery Box: Raffle Prize from mystery box list. Prizes can be gift cards, headphones, chargers, caps, etc 80