Grading & Attendance Policies
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” -Albert Einstein
Grades are evaluative instruments and indicators that measure students’ achievements, efforts, and extent of progress in their classes. The components of a grade are academically based and reflect each student’s competency in the course content. Mathematics, Science Research & Technology High School issues report cards six times a year (three per semester).
- Each semester, final grades are entered onto students’ transcripts.
- Students earn one credit for each passing grade.
- Each semester should be considered separate terms (ie: grades from marking periods 1-3 should be not be used to calculate marking period 4-6 grades).
Grades reflect class work, homework, projects, papers, examinations, participation and performance in each subject area. Absence, cutting, and excessive lateness will contribute to lower grades or failure due to lack of demonstrated understanding of the course.
Teachers are required to use Skedula/Pupil Path, an online program to communicate achievement with students and parents.
Numerical grades range as follows:
55 | Failure |
65-85 (issued as multiples of five) | Passing |
90-100 (issued on a one-point basis) | Passing |
All students must maintain a 90% attendance rate consistent with the Federal Legislation entitled, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Chancellor’s Regulation A-210.
Making Up Class Work
It is the policy of the Department of Education and Commissioner’s Regulations, that students who have been absent from class for verified, legitimate reasons (such as illness, court appearances, family emergencies, or attendance at funerals) are to be given a reasonable opportunity to make up missed work, including examinations.
School wide Grading Policy