Period 3 French Assignments

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Ma famile/My family booklet in Google Classroom

Ma famile/My family booklet

For the final you will create a slide presentaion about your family. You cam include pictures, your own or clip arts that represent your family.

The first page should be the cover picture or graphic with the title

Second page : you introduce yourself such as name, age, characteristics, where you're from, what you like, where you go to school, your favorite color, favorie food, what you would like to do for fun,  carreer choice etc.

Your family members: For each member of your family you'll do the same. One member per page

The slide must be at list 8 pages long. 
The first pages shoul dbe about you.
The following pages must include your family
Final page a conclusion. 

Attached is the document we sopke about in class describing the members of the family in french.The slide must be at list 8 pages long. 
The first pages shoul dbe about you.
The following pages must include your family
Final page a conclusion. 

Attached is the document we sopke about in class describing the members of the family in french.


Submit Here! Senteces with the verb FAIRE in Google Classroom

Submit Here! Senteces with the verb FAIRE

Please write 6 sentences with the verb FAIRE in the present tense, then put them in the past tense


Ignore! Read this paragraph, then put it in in the past tense. in Google Classroom

Ignore! Read this paragraph, then put it in in the past tense.

Je m’appelle Jessica
Je m’appelle Jessica. Je suis une fille, je suis française et j’ai treize ans. Je vais à l’école à Nice, mais j’habite à Cagnes-Sur-Mer. J’ai deux frères. Le premier s’appelle Thomas, il a quatorze ans. Le second s’appelle Yann et il a neuf ans. Mon papa est italien et il est fleuriste. Ma mère est allemande et est avocate. Mes frères et moi parlons français, italien et allemand à la maison. Nous avons une grande maison avec un chien, un poisson et deux chats.
Aujourd’hui, est samedi, nous rendons visite à notre grand-mère. Elle a 84 ans et elle habite à Antibes. J’adore ma grand-mère, elle très gentille. Elle fait des bons gâteaux.
Lundi, je retourne à l’école. Je suis contente, je vais voir Amélie. C’est ma meilleure amie. J’aime beaucoup l’école. Mes matières préférées sont le français et le sport. J’aime beaucoup lire et je nage très bien


Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être. in Google Classroom

Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être.

Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être.
Je (être) .
Tu (être) .
Elle (avoir) .
Nous (être) .
Ils (avoir) .
Avoir/Être as a main verb. Choose the correct form to complete the gaps.
Tu  (as/es) 16 ans.
Est-que vous  avezêtes un frère?
Il  (a /est)14 heures.
Nous  (avons/sommes) français.
Ils  (ont/sont) une maison.
Avoir/Être as auxiliary verbs in the passé composé (simple past). Choose the correct form to complete the gaps.
Tu  (as/es) parti.
Il  (a/est) couru.
Elle  (a/est) acheté un parapluie.
Nous nous  (avons/sommes )perdus dans la forêt.
Vous  (avez/êtes ) été à Paris.


Submit Here! Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être.
 in Google Classroom

Submit Here! Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être.

Conjugation. Complete the gaps with the present tense form of avoir or être.
Je (être) .
Tu (être) .
Elle (avoir) .
Nous (être) .
Ils (avoir) .

Avoir/Être as a main verb. Choose the correct form to complete the gaps.
Tu  (as/es) 16 ans.
Est-que vous  (avez/êtes) un frère?
Il  (a /est)14 heures.Nous  (avons/sommes) français.
Ils  (ont/sont) une maison.

Avoir/Être as auxiliary verbs in the passé composé (simple past). Choose the correct form to complete the gaps.
Tu  (as/es) parti.
Il  (a/est) couru.
Elle  (a/est) acheté un parapluie.
Nous nousv (avons/sommes )perdus dans la forêt.
Vous  (avez/êtes ) été à Paris.

Fill in the correct verb etre or avoir to put this sentence in the past tense
Il______ (etrudier) le Francais
Nous  ______(visiter) nos amia au canada
Vous ______(manger) des bonbons
Ils__________ (nettoyer) la maison
Elizabeth et Jean _______(manger) au restaurant
Dominique et Veronique _______ gentils


Submit Here! Review of the verbs etre and Avoir in Google Classroom

Submit Here! Review of the verbs etre and Avoir

Please write a sentence using the verbs and etre and avoir in the present tense. use all the pronouns and a different sentence for each verb.


Submit Response You Must Complete - Why are the verbs etre and avoir two of the most used verbs in French and why are they also called helping verbs? in Google Classroom

Submit Response You Must Complete - Why are the verbs etre and avoir two of the most used verbs in French and why are they also called helping verbs?


Se Presenter/ Please response to the questions below to prepare for the oral pressentation on Wednesday in Google Classroom

Se Presenter/ Please response to the questions below to prepare for the oral pressentation on Wednesday

Q: Questions. A: Answers EXAMPLE


Q: Comment t’appelles-tu or Quel est ton nom ?

Mon prénom est
Nicolas. (First name is _________)

Mon nom de famille est Durand. ( My last name is _________
Je m’appelle Nicolas Durand. (My name is ___________________)

DIRE SON ÂGE, SA DATE DE NAISSANCE/Say your age and date of birth.
J’ai _________ ans./ I am

Je suis né le dix juin deux milles ---------/ I was born on
Ma date de naissance, est le quatorze mars deux milles vingt ………../ My birth date is  ----------------

J’habite à New York

Je suis étudiant. (étudiant/étudiante) I am a student
Je suis étudiant en première année/ I am a student in my first year at MAST
Je suis étudiant en deuxième année/ I am a student in my second year at MAST
Je suis étudiant en troisième année/ I am a student in my third year at MAST
Je suis étudiant en quatrième année/ I am a student in my fourth year at MAST

J’ai (number) sœur et (number)freres/. I have (number of) sister or brother
Je n’ai pas de frère ou sœur/ I don’t have brothers or sisters
J’aime …………….. et ………… /I like to.................


Summative French Exam Part B in Google Classroom

Summative French Exam Part B


Introduction  to French 1 Day 2 April 23rd in Google Classroom

Introduction to French 1 Day 2 April 23rd


Introduction  to French 1 Day 2 April 23rd in Google Classroom

Introduction to French 1 Day 2 April 23rd

Please make sure that your camera is on during the assessment.


Summative French Exam Part A in Google Classroom

Summative French Exam Part A


Introduction to French  - Day 1 April 22nd in Google Classroom

Introduction to French - Day 1 April 22nd

Please keep your camera on at all times during the assessment.


Review of Phonics and text  comprehension in Google Classroom

Review of Phonics and text comprehension

Execise one

Il était une fois trois ours qui habitaient (habiter) une petite maison dans une petite forêt.  Il y avait papa ours, maman ours et bébé ours. Un jour, maman ours a fait une bonne soupe. La soupe était trop chaude donc les trois ours sont allés  faire une promenade dans la forêt. Pendant qu’ils faisaient (faire) la promenade, une petite fille s’est  approchée de la maison. La
petite fille s’appelait (appeler) Boucle (curly) d’Or. Elle s’est arrêtée. Elle a regardé. Puis elle est entrée dedans.

Frist, make a list of the words you don’t undestand, find their definition.

Write in English what the story is about. Do your best not to google translate, as you will not be able to do that during
the assessment.

Exercies two: Create two columns, find as many words as you can to fill in both columns of Silent consonants at the end of a word and Pronounced consonants at the end of a word. Be careful with exceptions.To get you started I listed some examples in the attaached file.


Nasal Sounds in Google Classroom

Nasal Sounds

Nasal sound or not! Group those words according to their sound.
•If any of these combinations of letters is followed by a vowel or a N/M (so it’s double N or double M)  the two
letters (eg:O+N) are pronounced separately (therefore, it is no longer a nasal sound)

dictionnaire            vs    dicton (dictation)

•animal                    vs    ans
•Fenêtre: window    vs    ventre: sale
•Inutile:(useless)     vs    intelligent
•une                          vs    un
Comme:                   vs    compas 
 like (when  comparing)              



Fill in the gaps using the vowels or combination of letters you have learned:

a / e / i / o / u / ai / au / eu / ou / oi in Google Classroom

Fill in the gaps using the vowels or combination of letters you have learned: a / e / i / o / u / ai / au / eu / ou / oi

J’_ _ un styl_   n _ _ r, une  tr _ _ sse  r_ _ ge  et  _ne  p _ _ re  d _   c _ s _ _ _x.

_l   _  un crayon   j _ _ ne et un  r _ se   m _ _s il n’ _   p _ s   d _  f _ _ tre gr _ s    _ _  bl _ _.


Combinations of letters in Google Classroom

Combinations of letters

The combination of some letters makes new sounds:
A+I = AI (A)
A+U = AU & EAU (O)
E+U = EU
O+U = OU
O+I = OI
Find at least two examples for each of these combinations


As we start our second marking period of the Spring semester please take time to reflect on what worked for you and what you need to improve. We will share in class.
Please be reminder that you get to complete missing assignments during office hours all week. in Google Classroom

GOOD MORNING! As we start our second marking period of the Spring semester please take time to reflect on what worked for you and what you need to improve. We will share in class. Please be reminder that you get to complete missing assignments during office hours all week.

Here are some ideas:
Make a To-Do List Every Night
In addition to your planner, keep lists of what needs to get accomplished on a daily basis. Each night, before you go to sleep, write a list of things that need to happen the next day. Cross them off as you complete them during the day. If anything on the list does not get completed, it should become an immediate priority for the next day.

Sometimes it can be helpful to include smaller tasks that you know you’ll accomplish on this list. It is satisfying to see your accomplishments get crossed off and your list of remaining tasks dwindle. Including things like making your bed, crossed off right away and might help to incentivize your further productivity.


Les Objects Autour de La Maison Presentation in Google Classroom

Les Objects Autour de La Maison Presentation

Once you have completed your graphic organizer and slide you will participate in a class presentation.
You will share you screen
For each slide you will say the word. for example: Livre, masculin. Un livre, le livre. Read your sentences, then move to the next slide. You should have a sentence in the present tense, one in the pass tense.


Bonjour Comment vas-tu?
Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
Quel temps fait-il?
Comment a ete ton weekend, or ta fin de semaine? in Google Classroom

Bonjour Comment vas-tu? Quelle est la date aujourd'hui? Quel temps fait-il? Comment a ete ton weekend, or ta fin de semaine?

Please answer these question in a full sentence.


Les objects autour de la maison in Google Classroom

Les objects autour de la maison

Go on a scavenger hunt to find various objects around the house. (You must find at least 5 items)
1) Label them in French using pictures found online
2) Complete the graphic organizer (grouping the Articles Définis, Articles Indéfinis, Articles Possessifs, Articles Démonstratifs and the Subject Pronouns.
3) Write a sentence with each found object using the articles or subject pronouns from your graphic organizes.


Flip Grid for: What did you do during the Holiday week in December in Google Classroom

Flip Grid for: What did you do during the Holiday week in December

Remember to practice first. HAVE FUN!


Final Assignment in Google Classroom

Final Assignment

For your final project write a paragraph describing what you did for the Holidays. You may include pictures. Remember the paragraph will be in the past tense; you must use the verbs etre and avoir. Review the previous lessons for the grammar rules. Please DO NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATE your paragraph, I will not except it.
A flip gird will be set up for the oral presentation. BONNE CHANCE!


Assignment - ER verbs in the past tense in Google Classroom

Assignment - ER verbs in the past tense

Use the sentence from homework yesterday and put them in the past tense. Simply copy then paste them on a new page

Conjugating Verbs in Passé Composé

Passé composé is the most commonly used past tense. Passé composé is formed using an auxiliary (helping) verb and the past participle of a verb meaning pass tense. The auxiliary verb (helping verb) is typically avoir (to have) but sometimes être (to be).

To form the past participle for er verbs, drop the -er and add -é.
infinitive past participle
parler (to speak) - er + é = parlé (spoken) – j’ai parlé


The EAU, AU, AUX Quiz in Google Classroom

The EAU, AU, AUX Quiz

1. Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? (10pts.)


This week we learned the French vowel combinations in “au= à le, "eau" (singular) and "eaux" ('plural') are pronounced like the closed O sound, similar to the English pronunciation of "eau" in eau de cologne but more elongated. The French letter combinations "au" (singular) and "aux" (plural) are pronounced exactly the same way.

We also learned new words
Select seven words from the list below to write a sentence (5pts each)
1. eau _____________________________________________
2. beau _____________________________________________
3. cadeau ____________________________________________
4. agneau ____________________________________________
5. beaucoup ___________________________________________
6. bureau ______________________________________________
7. chapeau_____________________________________________
8. gâteau ______________________________________________
9. bateau ______________________________________________
10. châteaux(castle)________________________________________
11. auto ________________________________________________
12. mauvais _____________________________________________
13. chaud _______________________________________________
14. cauchemar ___________________________________________
15. restaurant ____________________________________________
16. cheval/chevaux ________________________________________
17. journal/ journaux _______________________________________

Fill in the blank (5pts)
Je mets mon____ ______ sur le _______ qui flotte sur l'_____ et qui part au Portugal où il fait ________.

"I put my beautiful hat on the boat which floats on the water and which is leaving for Portugal where it is hot."


The numbers 1-31 in Google Classroom

The numbers 1-31

Play the game Numbers 1-12

French numbers 1-12 game
Fun interactive arithmetic-style French game for memorizing the vocabulary for the numbers in French up to twelve. Begin the French game by learning the words with audio options from the list. Click on the speaker icons to hear spoken French audio. Start this learning exercise with the French numbers: slow French game. Some od you will find the numbers: intermediate set at an appropriate speed. For those students revising French numbers words that they have already learned, the faster numbers 1-12: advanced French game will be a fun option.

Continued French language study exercises: For 2nd year and third year students
To reach the level of French to the level where you can ask the price of goods, negotiate dates and times or ask someone's age you might wish to study with one of the other two numbers games on this site. For counting up to 20 try the French number 13-20 game.

Attached is a page that you print out to practice the numbers as well.

When done please write today's date in full sentence and

your birthday. Mon anniversaire est le _____________________
You can also practice the numbers with our friend Alexa