Period 4 English (temp) Assignments

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Wellness Wednesday Journalling Prompt: "The Perfect Friend" in Google Classroom

Wellness Wednesday Journalling Prompt: "The Perfect Friend"

Being able to think about and identify positive personality traits that make up a quality friend not only helps us find and keep good friends — it also helps us to become a better friend ourselves. When we think about what we want from others it is only natural to think about what we are also contributing to a relationship. All relationships are two-way streets and learning this early is vital to successful relationships.

Instructions: Write at least 150 words to describe a person who is, in your opinion, the perfect friend. What are they like, and what kinds of things do they do? You should describe an imaginary person, not a real one (unless you truly have a perfect friend). Good luck!


Reflection about the Team Presentation on Health Equity in Google Classroom

Reflection about the Team Presentation on Health Equity

How do you think your team did on the team presentation? Describe your strengths and weaknesses as a team, and/or personally (see the rubric below). What skills will you work on for the second term? How will you improve on these skills? (it's okay to say you don't know and you need help).

Claim statements describe an action to take or belief to hold.
Claims are based on clear and specific evidence from the text
Visuals (slides) are easy to read, and not overwhelming
Visuals (slides) are clearly related to claims/ ideas in the presentation


Extra Credit (marking period 3) for Reading Testing Week (poetry) in Google Classroom

Extra Credit (marking period 3) for Reading Testing Week (poetry)

Write a well-supported paragraph in which you explain the central idea of the poem "Yes, It is Possible" by Camonghe Felix.


Health Equity Team Presentation in Google Classroom

Health Equity Team Presentation

Presentation/ Project Instructions: With your tablemates, create  2-3 minute slideshow presentation in which you answer the following questions using evidence from texts 1 and 2. You may also use evidence from the two videos that we watched together in class.
What are some of the biggest factors that play a role in a persons’ physical and/or mental health?
Why is it important to promote equity or fairness in our health system?

Also: Please see the document attached for additional questions and sentence starters to use in your presentation. Good luck :)


Submit your Back from Break Memes Here :) in Google Classroom

Submit your Back from Break Memes Here :)


Reflection about the Narrative Writing and Performance Project in Google Classroom

Reflection about the Narrative Writing and Performance Project

Instructions: Write as much as you can in response to the following prompts to help us plan for next year's narrative writing unit :)

What was it like to write a narrative about a personal topic? What was easy and what was difficult? Why? (The experience of writing my own personal narrative was...)
What was it like to perform your narrative to your classmates? Describe your experience. (When I shared my narrative, I felt ___ because...)


Narrative Writing in Google Classroom

Narrative Writing

For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative that focuses on your identity. In order to write a successful narrative, you must develop your ideas and elaborate on them.

Mild: (2-3 paragraphs) Choose one or more identifiers from your Identity Collage. Using the sentence stem from “Only Daughter” , write a narrative that begins “I am … That explains everything.” 
With this prompt, you will focus on how these identifiers have shaped you/made you the person you are today. 
Consider such questions as, How has this defined me? Why is this important to me? What role does this lead me to play in my life?' How does your identity make you proud? (You do not need to answer these questions directly, but rather use them as a brainstorming point for what you want to write)

Medium: (3 paragraphs) Write about an event in your life that impacted you. How did that event change you/how you see yourself? 
For this prompt, you will describe the event and the impact it had on you. Consider such questions as, what happened? How did it change/impact the course of your life? What role did this event play in making you the person you are today?

Spicy: (3-4 paragraphs) In “Only Daughter,” Sandra Cisneros writes about how her father wanted her to be someone she isn’t. Write a Narrative depicting a time when someone tried to get you to change something about who you are, in order to conform to their standards/expectations? 
Consider such questions as, How did this experience impact you? How did you overcome and stay true to yourself?


Wellness Wednesday Journal Prompt #1 (giving thanks) in Google Classroom

Wellness Wednesday Journal Prompt #1 (giving thanks)

Respond with 150 words or more: In the next 3-4 weeks, what will you do to show appreciation for the people and things in your life that you are thankful for? Be as specific as possible.


Identity Collage in Google Classroom

Identity Collage

In preparation for the Narrative writing piece, we will be crafting Identity Collages that highlight different aspects of who we are.

Your Identity Collage should reflect (at least) 7 different characteristics about yourself using (at least) 7 images.

Use the samples we went over in class if you need a reference. 

If you want to have more artistic freedom, you do not have to use the template provided.

This is a creative project in which you get to showcase your individuality, creativity and what makes you, you. 
Have fun with it!

We will be sharing them tomorrow after Wellness Wednesday!


"Only Daughter" Writing Prompt in Google Classroom

"Only Daughter" Writing Prompt

In a 5-6 sentence body paragraph, analyze, explain and give evidence to one of the following prompts:
Mild: What expectations did Cisneros’ father have for her? How was Cisneros affected by these expectations?
Spicy: How does Cisneros’ struggle with her father’s expectations relate to Waverly or Jing Mei’s relationship with their mothers?
Remember the sentence starters for Introducing Text Evidence and Providing Exciting Analysis (posted on the back wall).


"Only Daughter" StoryBoard Assignment in Google Classroom

"Only Daughter" StoryBoard Assignment

Use the information in the text to envision a scenario and create a StoryBoard based on one of the prompts below. Be creative and imaginative.
1. the expectations that Cisneros' father had for her
2. the expectations Cisneros' father had for her brothers
3. the relationship Cisneros’ had with her brothers growing up
4. the differences between Cisneros’ college experience and her brothers

When you have completed the StoryBoard (and checked the rubric to make sure you have met all the criteria), save it as an image and upload it into the Classroom. 
Don't forget to give a one to two sentence explanation of how your StoryBoard relates to the text.


Central Idea Tracker- The Joy Luck Club (Jing-mei) in Google Classroom

Central Idea Tracker- The Joy Luck Club (Jing-mei)

Instructions: Use this document to keep track of central ideas that you and your teammates find within Jing-Mei’s chapter of The Joy Luck Club! Remember that to fully explain a central idea, you must determine what the author had to say about that central idea. What lesson related to the idea did the author mean to share with us, her readers?

Feel free to split up the sections within your team to make it easier!


Team Presentation #1 Reflection in Google Classroom

Team Presentation #1 Reflection

In a well supported paragraph in which you describe your reasoning, explain the easiest and most difficult parts of our first team presentation. You may choose to focus on the presentation, planning, and or group work aspects. Good luck!


Exit Ticket/ Short Writing Response #3: "The Nymph's Reply" in Google Classroom

Exit Ticket/ Short Writing Response #3: "The Nymph's Reply"

Prompt: Describe the *tone or attitude of Marlowe’s poem using at least one specific example from the text.

Tone Explained : * Tone or attitude is the feeling of the speaker telling the poem. Ask yourself what emotions is the speaking feeling and what words prove the speaker's emotions. 

Sentence Starter: 

The tone or attitude of Marlowe's poem can be described as... For example, in lines __ , the nymph states, "___ ." This demonstrates that... This contributes to the tone or attitude of the poem by...


 The speaker tone can be described as  _____________ ( emotion). This is evident in lines #, “______________________.”  In these lines the speaker is saying....... This shows the tone of the speaker because....


Exit Ticket/ Short Writing Response #2: "The Passionate Shepherd" in Google Classroom

Exit Ticket/ Short Writing Response #2: "The Passionate Shepherd"

Prompt: Using specific evidence from the poem, describe the speaker’s attitude toward the nymph, or his lover.

Sentence Starter: The speaker's attitude toward the nymph, or his lover, can be described as... For example, in lines __ , he states, "_____". This demonstrates that... This is especially convincing because...