National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is an organization dedicated to helping students display the following characteristics or "pillars" in their schools and local communities: Character, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. The students who are a part of MAST High School's chapter of the NHS lead two types of projects-
- Events to increase the sense of community that we feel at MAST. You might have attended our field day event last year or one of the Student vs. Staff games!
- Fundraisers for causes and charities that are important to the students. For example, each year we raise money to purchase and bring Christmas gifts to the children spending their holidays in rooms at Jamaica Hospital. We also help to set up and run the checkpoint stations at the NYC AIDS walk each year!

Often our projects include both! Because of the pandemic, our chapter hasn't been able to hold many of our traditions in the last year. Check out the photos and videos below to get a preview of some of the things we do each year! However, we've been trying to reach out to and support the school community in other, virtual ways! The students created a Youtube channel, for instance (link), to host original student podcasts on all kids of topics ranging from social media to finding motivation, and more.

Would you like to get involved with the NHS at MAST? Do you have an idea for a project that, even in this time, would bring together our school community? Or is there a local cause to which you'd like to lend our time and/or support? Consider joining us!
We meet every Tuesday at 6 pm at this Zoom link (link) to discuss our upcoming projects. Please note that on the second Tuesday of each month the meeting takes place at 4 pm, not 6 pm, to accommodate our SLT and PTA 🙂

Finally, there are GPA requirements for participating in the NHS- the meetings are open to any student who earned an 85+ average during the previous term/ semester (not marking period). If you have maintained that average for three consecutive (in a row) terms/ semesters, you will be recognized as a full member. If you have maintained that average for the most recent one or two terms/ semesters, that means you are considered a probationary member. However, probationary members can and often do get just as involved with our projects as full members!

Please join our next meeting or reach out to Mr. Mazzoli [email protected] or Mr. Ota [email protected] if you are interested in participating in the NHS. We hope to see you at a meeting or event very soon!
The National Honor Society at MAST High School